Uxbridge Photographer - Come Back After Lockdown
I GOT THE VACCINE! and if that isn't a catchy first statement, I don't know what is!? (but more about that later)
I have to admit, the last couple of months have been difficult as a small business owner. I'm lucky that my photography business isn't my sole income and I'm in a position where I'm not needing to pay thousands of dollars worth of bills each month. But never the less, it's been tough. Mostly on an emotional level. After such a busy and rewarding fall and lead up to Christmas, I was on a bit of a high as a photographer. I felt like I was accomplishing so much, meeting new people, gaining new clients and hitting new milestones. But when the provincial lockdown started after the holidays it all came to a standstill.

I'd like to think that I'm a pretty positive person, but I feel that I need to see the reward in sight to actually get the motivation to start. So while I would often take my camera out and play around photographing my sister, products, my dog etc. I didn't feel that same drive and passion that I do with clients. One of my favourite parts of my job is capturing the authentic emotion of real life moments, building connections with my clients and giving them perfect memories of their (our) moments. Without having clients stories to capture, my job felt like there was little reward.
I did, however, have plenty of time to play around with editing, and I did a lot of that. I played around with old shoots and found colours and styles that I really like and will definitely use going forward. I had time to work on perfecting my website (which is never perfect) and find ways to streamline my workflow and client experience.
But finally it was time to come back! And I was so ready! When I scheduled my first post-lockdown client I felt

a renewed sense of purpose. This session was special because the photos were really meant to capture important memories. It was photos of a niece and her aunt before the aunt moved overseas. A last girls day with some photo memories to be printed and packed for the UK. I feels really good to know that they chose me to help them save memories to look back on, on days when they miss each other.
My second shoot was my Valentine's giveaway couple and it is a top contender for one of my most favourite shoots EVER! Two giggly, goofy, lovebirds in the most gorgeous winter sunset. The glowy light, the love and the laughs were just so much fun to capture and the couple were such a blast to work with. Another great reminder of why I love doing what I do.

An now onto more. I have a spring schedule filling up with grad an senior portraits and the summer booked up with weddings. As long as we can get there strong and safe I know it will all feel like magic.
Oh and back to my very first point... as I work in healthcare, doing patient flow and communications for the Uxbridge Health Centre, media for the North Durham COVID Assessment Centre and I'll be working at the Uxbridge vaccination clinic (when it opens) I was able to get my shot! (Working in a primary care clinic doing patient flow made me eligible, not the media parts lol) I feel so lucky to have been eligible to get the vaccine and am feeling very greatful that I can make our town, province, country one step closer to being free from this pandemic.
So yes, I'm vaccinated and have a renewed passion for my clients my camera and my art. Please please PLEASE send me a note if you are interested in booking a session! I am so ready to meet more people and capture more fantastic memories!
